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Donate to BARC 

BARC is invested in enriching the shelter environment for all dogs.  


Each individual kennel is the initial area of focus as this is the space in which the dogs spend most of their time. Through your donation you can provide the following needed resources that will not only make all of the shelter dogs more comfortable but also help to reduce stress, boredom and allow further skill development for greater success in the home environment.  

  1. Sponsor A Dog-$147.  Ongoing Need!  

  2. PURCHASED/INSTALLED! Clear Polycarbonate Barriers with drilled holes to be fastened by carabiners.

  3. Kennel Approved Beds

  4. Enrichment Tools (Kongs, Snuffle Mats, Seeker Puzzles, etc.)

  5. Large Umbrella for Shade for Yard.​

  6. Mountable Fans.

  7. CD Player and Clinically Demonstrated Music.

  8. Resources purchased for continued sessions/interventions once specific dogs have been adopted if additional training with the dog and owner(s) are needed.  

If all resources listed above are purchased, additional donations support BARC's start-up and operating costs including incorporation fees, trainings, business expenses and, down the road, more Team Members!

~Since the environment directly impacts behavior, positive additions to this resource list will be updated as identified!

Stay Tuned for information on BARC apparel!


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